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Horticultural art of pine trees in Japan

To Barthelemy “Bart” Desilets-Roy teacher and brother in Japan.   When I think of the constitutive role of pine trees in the soul of the Japanese people and their gardens, I think of an anecdote that happened to me in Japan. One sunny day in July I...

The World Bonsai Convention, le olimpiadi del bonsai

Anche il mondo dei bonsaismo ha le sue olimpiadi. Queste sono note come “The World Bonsai Convention” e si svolgono con cadenza quadriennale. Nell’ultimo fine settimana di aprile di quest’anno, la manifestazione è tornata per la prima volta in Giappone, e io ho avuto...

An insight into the world of Japanese nurseries

INTERVIEW TO TOMONORI FUTAMATA Owner of Kinka-en nursery       金華園 Last year, when I was packing up and getting my things together for my new job in Japan, I spent sometime in hunting for local gardeners, possibly English speaking. To my surprise, I found the contact...